Sunday, March 17, 2013

How has my love affected you? & other good things

A quick, lazy post, on one of the rare sunny days we've seen this month.... A cultural-life check in from this week: firstly, a gorgeous, first-nations inspired production of the Magic Flute by the VOC with my brother, and secondly, the thought provoking "How has my love affected you?" - explained succinctly in this trailer:
A very compelling piece of theatre for sure, performed by the father/son duo Marcus and Zak Youssef. My cultural-partner in crime A. mused afterwards that perhaps in the sharing of the very difficult, at times disturbing (finding his mother beside him in bed when he was 18? Not so normal...) relationship with his mother, Marcus isn't at some level doing the same sort of 'oversharing' with his son that his mother did with him when he was young. I guess the difference is perhaps the context, and one hopes the overall 'health' of their relationship in general. There is one point when Marcus starts to tell a story about him and Zak, and Zak pulls him up short, and Marcus respects his son's boundaries - a conceit I guess to clarify that boundaries and respect exist in their relationship, things that were obviously bent and strained in the relationship between Marcus and his mother. Music was written by the always amazing Veda Hille - love that woman's work, I really do!

 Before I forget - we had dinner at Edible Canada before - two thumbs up, and ALL digits up for the amazing chai flavoured crème brûlée - it's my mission recreate that joy in ice-cream form soon.

And today - a gorgeous hike in Deep Cove with the goils. In the sun. I could almost smell summer.

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