2) Reading this (need some escapism after point 1. And who doesn't love a slightly homoerotic military dragon story?)
3) Booking a trip here - for work (see point 1.), the second week of December. LOVE this city. Having been caught in the airport there for about 14 hours due to a winter snow storm (with nothing to do but stare at a taxidermy tiger that they have in a glass case in the waiting area) I do NOT love this city in winter. I do NOT love the fact that it will take longer to get there than it does to fly to London. Workmates in Halifax tell me there is now a pub at the airport. Which means next time I can be drunk staring at a taxidermy tiger. Great....
4) Watching this. Well worth it. And this. Winston always, always makes me smile.
5) Fainting on the bus home from work. Related to Point 1 perhaps? Now suffering terribly embarrassing post-faint visions of exactly what I looked like when that happened.
6) Becoming strangely obsessed with this blog - partly for lovely straight-ear scottish fold (like Miss Mags) Maru, partly for the great english translations, but more because the environment is so incredibly white, clean, and cat fur free....how? how is this possible? If I watch long enough, maybe i will figure it out...
7) Falling in love with these pieces by local artist Arleigh Wood - which I am happy to say, after this weekend, will officially be mine. Here's hoping nothing major at the house goes wrong, as my contingency fund is now pretty much gone.

I love reading military history. As long as it is not the Jane Austen kind.
I've wanted to go to Halifax for the longest time! So jealous of you right now! ... I love that chubby cat too - so adorable <3
Nice pieces .
Just in time for Christmas ;)
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