Friday, April 14, 2006

So Why Bunkle?

The Bunkle is the name given to my soon-to-be home. It was named by some supportive but slightly crazy friends who noted the additions ("carbuncles") on the back of the 98 year old frame house. Over pizza that night, the Bunkle House was born. An offer went out, and the Bunkle and I are soon to be one. Every morning, I wake up, go over my finances mentally (can I really manage this?), rip at my cuticles with my teeth for a moment (an unfortunate stress related habit) and get on with my day. I'm still not sure how I will swing it, but I'll try my hardest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sheen of floor strangely hypnotizing (perhaps this explain's Thos-kit's feet). Inexorably pulled toward Bunkle...